final php versions of fwPack and fwUnpack
Mark Brownell
gizmotron at
Thu Mar 4 16:32:44 EST 2004
On Wednesday, March 3, 2004, at 07:18 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>>> For example, we hear about 128-bit encryption, but I couldn't find a
>>> primer dumbed-down enough to explain what that means in lay terms.
>> I need to see what controls there are for the "MDX" algorithm's
>> passwords length before I can determine the bit level.
> Doesn't enforcing password length get into the public key/private key
> setup?
Not an issue with the "MDX" algorithm. It looks like you can have as
long of a password as you want with this. That just adds to the
strength the longer it is.
> Is there a way to provide stronger encryption with the simplicity of a
> single password?
Yes. I just added CBC and 16 random initialization vectors to the "MDX"
> Your description on cypher block chaining was excellent -- thank you.
> Thank you for the excellent post. I learned more reading your
> one-pager than in an hour of prowling the 'Net.
> --
> Richard Gaskin
Here is more from the beach and I'll send the example as an attachment
on to you:
-- all in all, this "MDX" algorithm is very interesting.
-- encrypt
local cbcVecText
put md5digest(pPassword) into tKeyString
put len(tKeyString) into tKeyStringLen
---- new for CBC ----
-- adds 16 random chars to pad the front of pData
9,0" into xBx
put "" into zink
repeat with i = 1 to 16
put random(36) into dipc
put item dipc of xBx after zink
end repeat
put zink & pData into pData
---- new for CBC ----
-- Apply it with Xor to the data one byte at a time:
put 0 into i
put empty into tCryptoText
--- new ---
put "a" into cbcVecText
--- new ---
repeat for each char k in pData
add 1 to i
if i > tKeyStringLen then put 1 into i
put char i of tKeyString into tKeyChar
--- new ---
put numtochar( chartonum(k) bitxor chartonum(tKeyChar)) into
put numtochar( chartonum(cbcVecText) bitxor chartonum(bCrypt))
after tCryptoText
put bCrypt into cbcVecText
--- new ---
end repeat
-- decrypt
local cbcVecText
put md5digest(pPassword) into tKeyString
put len(tKeyString) into tKeyStringLen
-- Apply it with Xor to the data one byte at a time:
put 0 into i
put empty into tClearText
--- new ---
put "a" into cbcVecText
--- new ---
repeat for each char k in pData
add 1 to i
if i > tKeyStringLen then put 1 into i
put char i of tKeyString into tKeyChar
--- new ---
put numtochar( chartonum(cbcVecText) bitxor chartonum(k)) into
put bCrypt into cbcVecText
put numtochar( chartonum(cbcVecText) bitxor chartonum(tKeyChar))
after tClearText
--- new ---
end repeat
put tClearText into pData
--- new ---
-- delete char 1 to 16 of pData at some point
--- new ---
Hope you like this,
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