Using libs from several stacks

Dar Scott dsc at
Mon Mar 1 20:25:24 EST 2004

On Monday, March 1, 2004, at 07:01 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

> Serendipity Library does not pass libraryStack, because, IMFO, there 
> should be no action required of other developers' libraries when it is 
> put in use.

The idea is that libraryStack is passed when that particular library is 
_not_ being put into use, it being already in use or otherwise in the 
path.  It is up to my script to do something based on its own stack 
being put into use.  It is not up to my script to comment on or block 
anything some other library writer is doing.  My thinking is that if a 
libraryStack message does not belong to me, I don't touch it, I pass it.

This not the same as the rational for always passing preOpenX, openX 
and closeX.  That is for allowing cards, backgrounds, stacks, main 
stacks, libraries, the app main stack, and back scripts a chance at 
getting the notification.  In that case the message belongs to all.

Even so, it would be an interesting and unusual system of libraries 
that would leave handling of libraryStack to a common library or to a 
back script.

Perhaps there could be a back script that keeps track of uninitialized 
library stacks or something.

I think it unlikely that harm will come of not passing libraryStack and 
simply ignoring it, if it is not for the script of that handler.  Maybe 
I'm being a little over-something.  The key point is to not process it 
if it does not belong to the stack of the script.

Dar Scott

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