classic application not reading file...

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Mon Jun 28 22:15:15 EDT 2004

Are you testing from Classic in OS X or have you booted into OS 9? I 
have found some problems reading files while running in Classic. It all 
seems to work fine when really in OS 9 but I don't know why.


On 29 Jun 2004, at 12:51 am, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I am a little lost trying to read a text file in classic enviroment. 
> First I set the default folder to the stack folder, then I use a 
> simple:
> put pArray into URL tPath
> where pArray is a combined array and tPath is in the format 
> "file:myApp prefs". This works fine, it writes the file ok, and the 
> content is right.
> the trouble is trying to read the file. I use:
> get URL "file:myApp prefs"
> This works fine in MacOS X 10.3.4... no problem, it saves the file 
> inside the bundle and load from there without any problem. Then I 
> build the software to Mac Classic, it saves the file okay, but when I 
> try to read the file it returns empty!!! the file is there, the 
> content is right and it works on 10.3.4. I'll glue the routines below. 
> I'll be very happy if anyone can spot this one out. I have a nice 
> blogger client here, the xml-rpc routines working, the xml parsing 
> working, and bugs on the silly preference system, man, so many places 
> to be in trouble...
> also take notice that if the loadPrefs function cannot find the file 
> it will return empty after showing "no content"... thats not the case, 
> it's returning empty content but the file is there. It's like reading 
> an empty file. This code works fine in 10.3.4
> my poor man's  preference file system:

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