x10 usefull sites and a dark idea (was Re: X10 [was: Re: socket and serial port])

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Sun Jun 20 19:54:35 EDT 2004

Hi folks,

I always liked x10 technology but it proibitive to import those to 
Brazil, the price for a light bulb interface reaches my budget to 
filling my gas tank. So I never tried it, but I collected this site 
that might be usefull:


it's a complete python implementation of an x10 controlling utility, it 
will even work by web and the like.... it's GPL and might give a hint 
or two how to implement things for those x10 hackers out there. Also, 
we can always build a python command line tool, a Revolution gui 
wrapper... this would work on any MacOS X, *nix system (they come with 
python) and in win32 boxes with python installed.


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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