Value of function from a group NOT in the message path

Raymond E. Griffith rgriffit at
Wed Jun 16 12:50:42 EDT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dar Scott" <dsc at>
To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Value of function from a group NOT in the message path

> On Jun 15, 2004, at 11:20 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
> > I understand the getProp approach... and admit to not having
> > considered it, but for the purpose of enlightenment, what is the send
> > syntax when a return value is desired?
> Untested:
> -- button a
> on mouseUp
>     send "getDatum" to button b
>     put the result
> end mouseUp
> -- button b
> on getDatum
>    return 5
> end getDatum
> This does not work "in time".  In that case the result is the message
> id.

Actually, using value-by-reference would probably be better:

on mouseUp
    send "getDatum" && x to button b
    put x
end mouseUp

-- button b
on getDatum @x
    put 5 into x
end getDatum

The "@" means that the value of x in the sending script is changed by the
value of x in the handler sent to. This is a very handy construct.

Raymond E. Griffith

> Dar Scott
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