REALLY close stack

Troy Rollins troy at
Tue Jun 15 17:55:10 EDT 2004

Sorry, the code example looks more like this...

  repeat for each line tFile in tFileList
     if there is a stack "Current Resource" then
       set the destroyStack of stack "Current Resource" to TRUE
       close stack "Current Resource"
     end if

       go invisible stack URL (the defaultFolder & "/" & tFile)
       if there is a field "NameField" of stack "Current Resource" then

         Put tFile & TAB & field "NameField" of stack "Current Resource" 
after field "Resource Select List" of card "Main Interface" of stack 
"The Program"
       end if

     set the destroyStack of stack "Current Resource" to TRUE
     close stack "Current Resource"

   end repeat
RPSystems, Ltd.

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