space and return

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Wed Jun 9 20:45:48 EDT 2004

On Jun 9, 2004, at 7:35 PM, hershbp at wrote:

> Hi all,
> How do delete a space or return ?
> repeat for each line ml in fld "x"
>    put fld "x" & return into myVar
> end repeat
> now the last char is a "return or space" how do I remove that ? "I 
> don't want to remove all of them , just the last one"
> Thanks

Easy. Just say "delete the last character of myVar"

I'm not sure what you're trying to do in this loop. You're putting the 
fld "X" into the same variable over and over. Is this what you wanted 
to do?


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N   E Q

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