novice Array questions

hershbp at hershbp at
Mon Jun 7 23:22:23 EDT 2004

Hi all,
I know this is a lame question but I'd still appreciate an explanation. 
(I'll admit most of the knowledge I do have I achieved from this 
mailing list with the help I got from you people and I definitely 
appreciate it.
What is the point of an varArray[] that a var won't do ? If you need 
more then 1 var use 2 var's or more.
Number 2 , if you use a varArray []in a repeat e.g.
repeat for each line myL in varArray[]
      --could you take info from which array you want do the lines work 
together ?
      if foo then put line myL of varArray[1] else put line myL of 
end repeat
And by the way is it possible to split a SQL into 2 var's ? meaning,
put revDataFromQuery(,,db,"SELECET (a,b) FROM table_c") into 
myVar1,myVar2 ? or somthing like this ?
I know you could do
put a,b,c,d into myVar , is it possible the other way around instead of
put a into b
put c into d
and so on?

Thanks a mill.

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