Rev won't draw

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Mon Jun 7 17:54:48 EDT 2004

On Jun 7, 2004, at 3:44 PM, Leston Drake wrote:

> I have a full-card image (jpg) on the bottom layer that I have the 
> cantSelect = true.
> If I change it to be false, then I can draw.
> I would definitely say this is a Rev bug.

Yes, it appears that if the cantselect of an object is set to true, Rev 
won't honor an object creation tool's mouseclick. But it does still 
process mouseclicks. In fact, here's a quick and dirty way to get 
around this problem. In the jpeg image handler put this script:

on mouseup
   if the optionkey is down then
     set the cantselect of me to false
     set the cantselect of me to true
   end if
end mouseup

Cantselect is useful if you have lots of other objects on top of your 
jpeg that you want to select by dragging a marque. So when you're 
creating a new object, first option-click the jpeg and the object 
creation tools will work. Then when you're done, click it again so that 
you can select multiple objects by dragging the mouse.


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N   E Q

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