MouseMove strangeness

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Sat Jun 5 14:41:36 EDT 2004

I'm trying to write a handler that resizes the contents of a group when 
the group border is resized. Say the group consists off a field and a 
button. Within the group script I've put this:

on mousemove
   set the rectangle of fld 1 to the rectangle of me
end mousemove

If I change the group size manually (without this script inside) and 
then execute the set rectangle command from the message box, it acts as 
expected: the field sizes to the size of the group border. However, 
when I use the mousemove handler, as soon as the mouse cursor enters 
the group borders, both the group and field sizes start expanding 
automatically. They will eventually expand off the screen.

Since I'm not actually changing the group size (I never even get to a 
mousedown state) I can't figure out why anything is changing, let alone 
expanding. If anything, mousemove should continually be setting the 
field size to the same (non-changing) size of the group border, thus, 
nothing should actually be changing.

Am I missing something obvious?


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N   E Q

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