global way to change cursor

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Thu Jun 3 19:51:13 EDT 2004

As Richard has said, you can use the defaultCursor property, but I tend 
to use the commands as you have used them, but with "lock cursor" 
before I change to a non-standard cursor and "unlock cursor" when I'm 
finished. This stops Rev automatically resetting the default cursor 
whenever it thinks it should.


On 4 Jun 2004, at 8:17 am, RGould8 at wrote:

> Can anyone tell me if there's a global way to make the cursor change, 
> based
> on whether the user has the mouse over a button vs. a field?   
> Something I
> could do at the stack level, as opposed to a card-by-card basis?
> I'm on Mac OS X, and as a test, I wrote this stack script.   The stack 
> has 1
> card, which has 1 button on it:
> on mouseMove
>    put "Control = " & the mouseControl
>    if the mouseControl contains "control" then
>      set the cursor to hand
>    else
>      set the cursor to arrow
>    end if
> end mouseMove
> I see the cursor "try" to change, but it seems to go back to a pointer
> instantly.

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