Windows externals

Chris Sheffield revlist at
Thu Jun 3 11:49:37 EDT 2004

This is somewhat related to my earlier post about determining the CD-ROM
drive(s) available on a Windows machine.

I'm thinking the best thing is going to be to take Mark's suggestion about
creating an external to call the WinAPI GetDriveType() function.

So my new question is has anyone done this already?  If not, does anyone
have a shell sample project or something I can use to build the external?
I've got VC++, but it's been a really long time since I've coded anything in
C, and I've never created a dll, so I'm pretty clueless about how to do it.
I've downloaded the external SDK from RunRev, but it's pretty much not
helpful at all.

If anyone has done this and can offer any advice at all, I would be
eternally grateful.


Chris Sheffield
Software Developer
Read Naturally

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