paste command

Klaus Major klaus at
Wed Jun 2 14:52:29 EDT 2004

Hi Derek,

> If an image is in the clipboard, no image is selected, and I give the
> command "paste"...a new image/graphic is created.  The only problem is 
> that
> no command is sent (as far as I can see).

Yeah, no "newimage" messages or something is sent :-(

AND, big fun and big surprise, this even works fine in the 
scripteditor/messages box etc...
Cool ;-)

> Any ideas on how I can tell what ID the new image/graphic is?

put the id of the last image into my_new_img_id

will do...

> Also, how can I make it so the image boundries fit the actuall image 
> in the
> clipboard?

Good question, answers anyone?

The new image is ALWAYS as big (width/height, even "the formattedwidth" 
etc...) as the current card

I think this is a bug...

> Derek Bump
> Dreamscape Software


Klaus Major
klaus at

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