Code for Scrolling the objects in a card
Mark Talluto
userev at
Sat Jul 24 11:22:04 EDT 2004
On Jul 24, 2004, at 3:24 AM, Frank Leahy wrote:
> On Jul 24, 2004, at 10:59 AM, use-revolution-request at
> wrote:
>> From: Richard Gaskin <ambassador at>
>> Subject: Re: Code for Scrolling the objects in a card
>> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
>> Message-ID: <4101A755.4010906 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> The only limitations I've encountered are documented in Bugzilla #623.
>> In brief, there's no way to interactively create controls inside of
>> groups.
> Richard,
> I'm not quite sure what you mean by "there's no way to interactively
> create controls inside of groups"...I'm pretty sure I'm doing it. For
> example, the way I create a scrolling group of images is by starting
> with a blank "canvas group", and then copying an image group (one copy
> for each image) into the canvas group. Each image group is made up of
> fields, buttons and checkboxes. The code is:
> put "Image Group " & i into newName
> copy group "Image Group 1" to group "Canvas Group"
> set the name of it to newName
> I've never tried it, but I would guess that "copy control x to group
> y" should also work.
> Or did you mean something else?
What you can't do with the current implementation of groups is put your
mouse over the scrolling group and draw a circle. You can have a
button (as in a toolbar) past a circle in the group and have the user
then move and size it. But they can not drag a circle interactively in
a group from scratch.
This applies to every other object as well.
Best regards,
Mark Talluto
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