REALbasic clarifications (was Express to Dreamcard)

David Grogono dave at
Fri Jul 23 16:29:01 EDT 2004

"Ken Ray" <kray at> wrote:

>>> It's been a while since I bothered with BASIC, but last time I looked
>>> into it there was no way to create new objects on the fly at runtime.
>> It sounds like REALbasic is a quantum leap from the BASIC
>> you're familiar with.  Since REALbasic is a true object
>> oriented language it is both possible and easy to create
>> objects on the fly.

Hi Ken -
> Hey, David! Welcome to the Rev list!

> We can take this offlist if you like,

If the quick answer below isn't satisfactory please feel free to contact me
off list.

> but my understanding was that you
> needed to have at least one of the object type you wanted to create already
> on screen so that you could effectively clone it and manipulate the clone.
> That is, if you didn't already have a command button on your form, you
> couldn't create one on the fly from code. But perhaps I'm mistaken or
> remembering an older RB...

What you remember is currently correct for "controls".  "Controls" are a
small subset of possible objects in REAlbasic but perhaps this subset is
what "objects" means in Revolution.  As for making a drawing app in
REALbasic one would likely use the various Object2D classes (rectangles,
polygons, curves, etc) since they support things like scaling and rotation.
These can be created without cloning.

Best regards,  David

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