scrollbar problems: Scrolling a blank stack

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jul 22 08:32:17 EDT 2004

Bob Hartley wrote:
> At 08:18 22/07/2004, you wrote:
>> Suppose you (as developer) wanted to add two objects (say, 2 buttons), 
>> one
>> in the upper-left and one in the lower-right of your window, and 
>> assume that
>> you can't display the full 540x720 window on your monitor and that the 
>> group
>> is scrolled already to the upper-left.
>> To do this in Rev, you do this:
>> 1) Select the group and go into edit mode.
>> 2) Create a button in the upper-left corner
>> 3) Exit edit mode.
>> 4) Scroll the group down to the lower-right corner
>> 5) Go back into edit mode.
>> 6) Create a button in the lower-right corner
>> 7) Exit edit mode.

Since v2.1 it's much simpler:  you can set the boundingRect of a group 
to define the scrollable area, without having to create objects to 
define the bounds.

>> To do this in SuperCard you do this:
>> 1) Create a button in the upper-left corner.
>> 2) Scroll the window to the lower-right corner.
>> 3) Create a button in the lower-right corner.

This leaves out the step where you need to define the scrolling area by 
setting the window's backSize, roughly the same as setting the 
boundingRect in Rev.

>> You see how easy it can be? Rev is 100x more powerful than SuperCard, but
>> this is one of those instances where I wish that Rev would adopt the
>> SuperCard approach to scrollable windows. It also removes all the 
>> funkiness
>> of having a *user* create an object in different parts of a scrolling 
>> area.
>> </soapbox>
> This is the type of thing that I NEED to do.

You may want to consider voting for Bugzilla items #623 and #624, which 
address issues related to drawing environments:


Once those are addressed Rev would not only match but exceed SC's 
capabilities, at least in terms of the types of apps that could be 
delivered with it.  While groups in Rev do take slightly more work to 
set up, having the flexibility to make multi-pane windows is, for me, 
well worth it, and opens the door to many design options not possible in 
SC, since SC allows only one scrolling region which can only occupy the 
entire window.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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