Object paths?

Brian Yennie briany at qldlearning.com
Tue Jul 20 16:30:27 EDT 2004


I dunno if this helps at all, but if the issue is with opening some 
other stack mid-script and having that affect your object references 
later in the script, you could consider wrapping up your own stack 
opening routine which maintains the defaultStack:

on openStackSafe stackName
    put the defaultStack into saveDefaultStack
    open stack stackName
    set the defaultStack to saveDefaultStack
end openStackSafe

Or is it more than you have long-running background scripts that 
interact with specific stacks?

- Brian

>> If you have all kinds of non-linear stuff going on, with stacks being 
>> able
>> to be opened or activated while other scripts are running, you're 
>> right that
>> you can't depend on the context at any given time, and so in that 
>> case,
>> Troy, I think you're doing the right thing. It may be a pain to work 
>> with
>> long descriptors, but at least they are absolutely specific.
> Thanks. I do better understand object paths and the relationship to 
> the defaultStack, thanks to you. But it is pretty much what I thought. 
> In the case of some of my software, it is as you describe above, and I 
> don't see an elegant way around using more defined paths - so I was 
> just looking for a more elegant way to use them (by getting them on 
> the clipboard.)  ;-)
> --
> Troy
> RPSystems, Ltd.
> http://www.rpsystems.net
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