any chatters?
sims at
Tue Jul 20 06:36:37 EDT 2004
>I didn't know Maltese was a Semetic language!
Maltese is a Semitic language.
Maltese developed from a dialect of Arabic and is closely related to
the western Arabic dialects
of Algeria and Tunisia. Strongly influenced by the Italian dialect
spoken in Sicily, Maltese is the
only form of Arabic to be written in the Latin alphabet.
The Maltese language developed from the Arabic spoken by the Arabs
who invaded and
occupied Malta in 870 AD.
Prior to this, it is believed that the language used by the natives
was a mixture of Latin,
Greek and Punic languages, which originated from the commercial
connections with the
Phoenicians, many of whom settled here between 800 - 218 BC, and the
Romans who ruled
the island between 218 BC and 870 AD. Punic writings have been found
and also some names
of local villages have a Greek origin.
Malta was occupied by French-speaking Normans in 1090.
Between 1530 and 1798 Malta served as the base for the Knights
Hospitaller of St John,
who spoke Italian and Latin. Malta became a British colony in 1800
and the British tried to
replace Italian with English as the local language.
After Malta become independent in 1964 both English and Maltese were
given official status
and Maltese became the national language of Malta.
The first known literary text in Maltese, II Cantilena , appeared
during the 15th century.
The first Maltese language was a catechism by F. Wizzino, and was
published in 1752.
When you attend the European Rev Conference you you find that the Maltese speak
English very well, most also speak Italian, and of course also use Maltese.
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