Generalized Array Handlers!

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Tue Jul 13 11:51:35 EDT 2004

Hi All,

Here is a lightly-tested set of generalized array handlers:

The coordinates are now passed as a comma-delimited list, and the 
delimiters are passed & parsed character-by-character (so return, 
space, & comma can be used as delimiters).  Note: NO bounds checking 
is done; so addressing an element outside the array WILL create new 
elements.  Also, coordinates are assumed to be integers, and no 
integrity checking is done.

function getElement @theArray,theCoordinates,theDelimiters
   put item 1 of theCoordinates into coordinateNumber
   set the itemDelimiter to (char 1 of theDelimiters)
   get item coordinateNumber of theArray
   set the itemDelimiter to comma
   delete item 1 of theCoordinates
   delete char 1 of theDelimiters
   if theCoordinates is empty then return it
   if theDelimiters is empty then return "Coordinate--Delimiter Mismatch"
   return getElement(it,theCoordinates,theDelimiters)
end getElement

(I tried to script putElement recursively; but couldn't come up with 
a design that didn't require duplicating the entire array with each 
iteration; so opted for a repeat that only duplicates the array 
elements affected.)

on putElement theElement, at theArray,theCoordinates,theDelimiters
   put the number of items of theCoordinates into coordinateCount
   put 0 into currentCoordinate
     add 1 to currentCoordinate
     if currentCoordinate = coordinateCount then exit repeat
     put item currentCoordinate of theCoordinates into coordinateNumber
     get char currentCoordinate of theDelimiters
     if currentCoordinate = 1 then put 
getElement(theArray,coordinateNumber,it) into subArray[1]
       put subArray[currentCoordinate-1] into tempArray
       put getElement(tempArray,coordinateNumber,it) into 
     end if
   end repeat
   put item coordinateCount of theCoordinates into coordinateNumber
   set the itemDelimiter to char coordinateCount of theDelimiters
   if coordinateCount = 1 then -- 1 level "arrays"
     put theElement into item coordinateNumber of theArray
     exit putElement
   else put theElement into item coordinateNumber of subArray[coordinateCount-1]
   subtract 1 from currentCoordinate
     set the itemDelimiter to comma
     put item currentCoordinate of theCoordinates into coordinateNumber
     get char currentCoordinate of theDelimiters
     set the itemDelimiter to it
     subtract 1 from currentCoordinate
     if currentCoordinate = 0 then
       put subArray[1] into item coordinateNumber of theArray
       exit repeat
       put subArray[currentCoordinate+1] into item coordinateNumber of 
     end if
   end repeat
end putElement

Enjoy!  (I have a simple stack I used for testing...if anyone wants a 
copy, write me privately.)

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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