strange clone behaviour: bug?

andreas andreas at
Tue Jul 13 04:31:11 EDT 2004


I've read some articles in metacard lists about clone behaviour.
For myself I've now a strange error that I can't solve:

 From a main stack A   I call a substack B which has the handler
"klonen".  The handler "klonen" in substack B has the simple script:

on Klonen
   put ZuKopieren & "_" & Schuelername into NeuerName
   go card ZuKopieren
clone card ZuKopieren
set the name of  it to NeuerName
end Klonen

On the line "clone card ZuKopieren" the script exits without an error 

This script boiled down from a far more complicated script, which 
showed the
same error.
This happens with the newest Rev built in MacOSX.

Because my project relies heavily on the clone function help is very 

Andreas Stämpfli

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