Arrays in Rev (long)

Troy Rollins troy at
Tue Jul 13 00:08:55 EDT 2004

On Jul 12, 2004, at 11:41 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Yes, it takes almost six times longer to access a property than it 
> does to access a local var. Run the benchmarking script below; on my 
> modest single-processor G4 it gets:
> Props: 62 ms
> Vars:  12 ms

Hmm. Very interesting, my "modest" 1gHz G4 shows the same results for 
vars exactly, but props ran 274ms... roughly 20 times as long.


So, it would be safe to say that vars are considerably faster, as 
Jacque said. But, at least until I learn some new techniques, are way 
more limited, to my thinking.

But then, here is something interesting, based on an adaptation of your 
benchmark script (note that the array even uses a slower repeat 
structure.) -

Props: 274
Vars: 12
Array: 129

on mouseUp
   put 10000 into N
   put the millisecs into s
   repeat n
     set the uTest of this stack to "hello world"
     get the uTest of this stack
   end repeat
   put the millisecs - s into s1

   put the millisecs into s
   repeat n
     put "Hello World" into tMyVar
     get tMyVar
   end repeat
   put the millisecs - s into s2
   put the milliSecs into s
   repeat with i = 1 to n
     put "Hello world" into tMyVar[i]
     get tMyVar[i]
   end repeat
   put the milliSecs - s into s3

   put "Props: "&s1 &cr& "Vars: "& s2 &CR& "Array: " & s3
end mouseUp

RPSystems, Ltd.

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