Arrays in Rev
Troy Rollins
troy at
Sun Jul 11 17:57:28 EDT 2004
On Jul 11, 2004, at 5:38 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:
>> And, have you done any speed tests? As you know, lists are very fast
>> in
>> Director. I'm assuming these methods in your stacks are faster than
>> accessing similar data from fields, etc. as it is variable based?
> It's pretty fast on 1 meg data objects. You can even store and gather
> compressed(base64) data between tag sets that can be rebuilt as
> images. Rev
> is so cool when it comes to transforming information.
Yes, one of my uses for arrays in Director is storage of "imaging
Lingo" data. The combination of imaging lingo, and the ability to store
raw image data within the context of an element of a multi-dimensional
array is what allows entire dynamic interfaces to be drawn in real-time
based on the image content of those arrays. Now that is cool.
I'd love to have that kind of rapid list handling and
imageData-to-screen capacity in Rev.
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