Documentation & Books

Dan Shafer revdan at
Thu Jul 8 18:50:34 EDT 2004

On Jul 8, 2004, at 2:11 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

> Ahhhh..., hence your frustration.
Some days, at least. :-D

> That's really a shame and one which I don't understand.  I mean, I 
> bought
> the book despite suspicions that goodly parts of it would be WAAAAYYY 
> over
> my head.  It's a bit why I keep my Rev license current to the level I 
> can
> afford (despite not 'needing' it to produce anything): If I want it to
> succeed, I need to do my part.
Yeah, that's an uncommon but important spirit. Given the relatively low 
cost of acquiring Revolution, I sort of had an expectation early on 
that this community would consist of a higher percentage of what I'll 
call (at the risk of incurring the wrath of some...what's new?) 
"socially conscious" community members. Those who see or feel almost an 
obligation to give something back even though they've paid money for 
their licenses. I am delighted with the quality of people and support 
and commentary that this product has engendered; I just wish it was a 
bigger number, both absolutely and relatively.


> Judy
> On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Dan Shafer wrote:
>> graphical IDE. I have obtained the rights to revise that book for the
>> Rev audience but, frankly, the response to my book and other offerings
>> so far has been disappointingly small, so I haven't had the incentive
>> to go do that.
>> But adapting popular and usable texts to use Rev would be a 
>> potentially
>> fruitful ground to explore if the market were big enough, I suspect.
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