Call for Tutorial Topics

Bob Hartley bob at
Thu Jul 8 03:40:49 EDT 2004

At 01:07 08/07/2004 -0400, you wrote:

I'll put part 0.5 (not quite part one) on a website of moine today.


>5)  Frankly, I think a few demo stacks showing complete newbies some 
>nifty, whiz-bang things they can do with Rev, eg, a Christmas card with 
>simple animated fire burning in hearth and Christmas carol playing in 
>background, the kind of demos that came with HyperStudio, would also be 
>useful if we are trying to attract the interest of newbies who might get 
>fascinated enough to spring for the low end version of Rev.  Maybe even a 
>few sample buttons with built-in scripts they can use (go prev, go next, 
>that sort of thing).
>It's well after midnite in my part of the world and I am fading fast.
>I'm sure I will have more ideas.
>On Jul 8, 2004, at 12:18 AM, Dan Shafer wrote:
>>As a result of a long and intriguing thread about Rev docs, I have 
>>decided to step up and offer to do (or assist others in doing and 
>>editing) a bunch of Revolution/Transcript step-by-step tutorials as a 
>>contribution to the community from which I have drawn so much.
>>Now it's your turn. Please respond to this topic ONLY with your 
>>(prioritized if possible) list of topics you feel are important to your 
>>needs and not covered by How To's or recipes in the current 
>>documentation. After a suitable period has passed and we've gathered 
>>enough votes, I'll suggest a list of topics to be tackled, more or less 
>>in order.
>>If you have partially finished tutorials or stacks that would lend 
>>themselves to tutorials but your lack of writing experience or time 
>>prevents you from fashioning step-by-steps out of them, let me know that 
>>(here or via private email to revdan at and I'll take a look 
>>and see if I can help you polish them.
>>Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
>>Author of  "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
>> for more info
>>Available at Runtime Revolution Store (
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