Building a standalone
yvescoppe at
Thu Jul 8 01:51:03 EDT 2004
Le 8 juil. 04, à 04:48, Monte Goulding a écrit :
> Hi
>> I have a big problem :
>> on Mac OS X 10.3.4 Fr with Rev 2.2.1
>> when I use the ask and answer dialog build in Revolution, I use the
>> global gRevAppIcon to set an icon. I use the standard image library of
>> revolution
> Sorry for the slow response. I've been away for a few days. On the OS X
> screen of the standalone settings window there are fields to choose the
> gRevAppIcon and gRevSmallAppIcon. Once chosen they will be included in
> your
> standalone and the globals will be set when the revolution librararys
> are
> loaded.
Yes, I understand, but what happens if I want to change the icons with
the DLOG ?
yvescoppe at
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