Call for Tutorial Topics

Dan Shafer revdan at
Thu Jul 8 00:18:49 EDT 2004

As a result of a long and intriguing thread about Rev docs, I have 
decided to step up and offer to do (or assist others in doing and 
editing) a bunch of Revolution/Transcript step-by-step tutorials as a 
contribution to the community from which I have drawn so much.

Now it's your turn. Please respond to this topic ONLY with your 
(prioritized if possible) list of topics you feel are important to your 
needs and not covered by How To's or recipes in the current 
documentation. After a suitable period has passed and we've gathered 
enough votes, I'll suggest a list of topics to be tackled, more or less 
in order.

If you have partially finished tutorials or stacks that would lend 
themselves to tutorials but your lack of writing experience or time 
prevents you from fashioning step-by-steps out of them, let me know 
that (here or via private email to revdan at and I'll take 
a look and see if I can help you polish them.

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of  "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought" for more info
Available at Runtime Revolution Store (

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