Documentation & Books
Wolfgang M.Bereuter
wmb at
Wed Jul 7 09:37:48 EDT 2004
On 07.07.2004, at 01:48, Marian Petrides wrote:
Marian, judy, list
Marian, i agree with a lot you have said before. But..
IMHO the big point why these discussion, arises again and again since
years on the list, like the good old Nessie. (maybe I should better
give up talking about this left/right brain - concerns here in the
scripters world, but anyway, i give it another try;)
> And, one more suggestion: to accommodate the real newbie programmers,
Forget the "newbie" "programmers". Get the newbies to programming.
Sounds equal, but isnt, why?
If you are a "newbie (rev) programmer" then you are a programmer, which
is mostly coming from another "programming" tool. That means a left
brain-talented person, which is interested in programming and has
learned to think like programmers: digital step by step, word by word,
tone by tone details etc...) . For him its very easy to understand the
structure of a script, because it s language-like: word by word /
variable by variable word by variable, etc... He loves to think in that
way. Hence he will likely go page by page through a left brain
tutorial, Documentation etc, because he understands whats written in
these documentation.
The other one: newbie to prorgramming. Can be a left talented person
but mostly will not be, because he is not interested in programming.
until this first contact with a programming tool. Therefore most of
them are rightbrain talented person. They like association, Colors,
emotions, creativity. But they hate step by step-things. The do not
think like a programmer, they have a lot of problems understand whats
written in the docs. They need a kind of visual instruction.
They need, first of all an OVERVIEW of all this incomprehensible
written details. They are looking for fast capture of the content -
with one view. The most important thing for a right brainer is to know
the content BEFORE he starts learning. Therefore they need an Index, to
get this overview. If they dont get it and must learn from the
documentation, they will be frustrated immediately. But we all have
learned very early in our childhood: Avoid frustrations! If they cant
avoid it or escape of all that frustrations, they will learn to hate
rev. (As I have learned, hence I know what I m talking about), Because
I m NOT a natural leftbrained programmer.
If you are interested in getting the big potential of creativity of the
right brainers, they are about 50% of the mankind, but I belive less
than 5% of the programmers, then you have to give them a
brainfriendly(!) documentation. to have them as satisfied members on
board. BTW most of them are not(!) already captured, like 90% of the
leftbrainer, by Visual-(anything) and anyhting.NET.
Apple got this brainfreindly thing with first Mac OS 6.x, and than with
HC. An some HC Dokumentation have been instinctivly written
brainfriendly too. That was the great succes of HC in the market of
(more rightbrain) Mac Users but newbies to programming. An great
brainfriendly authoring tool, not from Apple, was mtropolis.
If you have a lot of doubts about this brain matters, which are not
from me, thats common knowledge in the brain science, maybee you
believe more in the University of Cambridge:
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a
Amzanig huh?
this works in nearly all languages (aslo acuh in desucth) and gives you
an idea how our brain is woking and why a fast overview, indices and
keywords are so important for the understanding, and understanding for
Because of another project i have not much time at the moment, but if a
lot of people are realy interested how my idea of a brainfriendly
documentation could look like, I can do a small simple example.
my 2 cents
Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Trainingsmaps© -- that´s Speedlearning with Mindmaps©!
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
wmb at
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