3D project.
b.xavier at internet.lu
Tue Jul 6 16:14:39 EDT 2004
is a good start...
just for lots of graphics dev ideas... But can we beat C?
and www.gamedev.net for the whole meal ;)
Games are usually the start of something cool like 3D
I used to believe java was a snail, until I saw anfi's java
applets at http://anfyteam.com about 4 years ago...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at lists.runrev.com
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at lists.runrev.com]On Behalf Of Bob Hartley
> Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 21:04
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: 3D project.
> At 19:10 06/07/2004 +0200, you wrote:
> >I have a project which requires serious high-level programming,
> way beyond
> >my abilities.
> >
> >I need to build a 3D perspective rendering engine to demonstrate
> a system
> >I recently developed.
> Now I don't have any experience with runrev, however, I do have a lot of
> experience with large 3D datasets.
> Each of my images are typically 500Mb RGB's yes that is correct 1
> image/CD. :-)
> This is from a confocal laser microscope. If you want to make some 3D
> rendering engines, i would have a look at MATLAB. Another is Amira
> developer www.amira.com most of these cost me 4,000 euros but I get a
> discount. I would assume you would need to spend 6000 euros for a
> package.
> Alternatively, you could get an SGI and use open invertor.
> for the PC there is IDL, it is OK but a bit old hat. My wife wrote
> ultrasound software in that before turning to Matlab and has not
> looked back.
> What are you wanting to render?
> Cheers
> bob
> >The most able programmers that I have come across, and the most helpful
> >(not a minor consideration), are in this group, and I would
> appreciate it
> >if anybody who has the required skills would get in touch with me. I do
> >not know what programming language would best for this project, this is
> >part of what I have to learn.
> >
> >Ryno.
> >swartart at iafrica.com
> >http://artistvision.org ...a work in progress...
> >(I have posted this same message to the Hypercard group)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Bob
> >
> >
> >
> >
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