OT the spirit of Spirit

Ray G. Miller rgmiller at pacbell.net
Wed Jan 28 14:40:56 EST 2004

One final word on the MER Rovers:

Rand Simberg <simberg at interglobal.org> sez:

>>I'm pretty sure that "flash" in this context is the same as the "flash" 
>>memory that stores your computer's BIOS (Basic Input-Output System--the 
>>hard-wired program that allows the computer to boot when you turn on the 
>>power), or like that used in digital cameras.  Most of the time, flash 
>>memory is read-only (hence, ROM-BIOS).  But when the appropriate voltages 
>>are applied to the appropriate pins, the "ROM" (read-only memory) becomes 
>>writeable, and a new version of the "ROM" code can be installed without 
>>having to swap chips.  Most Intel-compatible motherboards these days have 
>>"flashable" ROM BIOSes, and the manufacturers will provide BIOS flash 
>>utilities and updated BIOS programs on their web sites, just like 
>>manufacturers of various peripheral devices will provide updated driver 
>>programs.  It makes a great deal of sense to have most, if not all, of the 
>>rover's software in non-volatile memory of some sort (provided, of course, 
>>there isn't a critical bug buried somewhere in the code...).
>>Yes, the Spirit was willing, but the flash was weak... 

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
MailTo:rgmiller at pacbell.net
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491

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