Keeping a field scroll at the bottom as lines come in

Rob Beynon r.beynon at
Sun Jan 25 15:25:48 EST 2004

Greetings, My first post, and a naive one, I suspect..

I am using an interactive mode to send a line of text to the end of a
field ('after') which is visible. Then, as the field fills, it doesn't
scroll to show the last line, it just moves the thumb upwards.

I'd really like to see the last line entered, irrespective of the
length of the field. Can this be done?


All best wishes,

Prof. Rob Beynon                    |+44 151 794 4312 (voice)
Dept. Veterinary Preclinical        |+44 151 794 4243 (fax)
Sciences, University of Liverpool,
PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 7ZJ       |mailto:r.beynon at

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