Web-Based Stacks . . . Yet Again!

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Fri Jan 23 14:56:43 EST 2004

Roger Guay wrote:

> I've been reviewing the archives for hours, yet I am still not able to
> make it work.
> I have a stack (remoteStack) located at a URL address, and I have a
> local stack (localStack) on my desktop.  And, I am trying to open
> remoteStack with a button on localStack.  I've tried every combination
> of commands I can think of but to no avail.  Would someone simply tell
> my the script for doing this?  BTW, localStack is a standalone but
> remoteStack is not, if this makes any difference.

RevNet is on your hard drive and is  a living example of this in action.
See your plugins folder...

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Ambassador at FourthWorld.com       http://www.FourthWorld.com

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