read socket until crlf question

Doug Lerner doug at
Fri Jan 16 17:57:38 EST 2004

Thanks for your note, Dar. I ended up analyzing the lines that were coming
in and post-processing them, like you do.


On 1/17/04 12:30 AM, "Dar Scott" <dsc at> wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 09:35 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:
>> If I
>> read from socket thisSocket until CRLF
>> and then look at the number of chars in it the number of chars is ONE
>> plus
>> the number of visible characters read. Why isn't it TWO plus the
>> number of
>> visible chararacters read - one for CR and one for LF?
> Doug, it seems to me that, though you got plenty of "responses," you
> didn't get an answer.
> I usually do the line processing after receiving the data, so I usually
> don't do it this way.  Maybe 'until' only matches on the first
> character.  I don't get that impression from the TD (list jargon for
> Transcript Dictionary), though.
> If you are doing a repeat for each line or referring to 'line n of' you
> will not get the LF.
> The function below takes a string and converts it to hex.  You can use
> it to dump your line in testing.  For example "abc" & crlf will be
> translated to "6162630D0A".  Look for 0D for CR and 0A for LF.
> function hex s
>  get binaryDecode("H*",s,h)
>  return h
> end hex
> Dar Scott
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