function for listing all objects in a stack.

Ray G. Miller rgmiller at
Fri Jan 16 14:15:32 EST 2004

From: Andre Garzia <soapdog at>
Hi Folks,

It's late here 5:58 AM, i didn't sleep yet... I can't think on a way to 
list all objects in a stack.
Actually I want to list all fields in a stack.. anyone here got a quick 
function for that?

Hi Andre,
Better hit the sack, I think your brain is trying to tell you something... ;-)

Below is the script I stick in an option btn. I use it on every stack I'm building. It gives me quick access to any number of propereties...

on mouseUp
  put the label of me into pName
  ## script any
  if the the ShiftKey is down then
    set the visible of part pName to not the visible of part pName
    editTheBtns pName
  end if
end mouseUp

on editTheBtns which
  edit the script of part which
end editTheBtns

on mouseEnter
  put "" into stuff
  put the number of parts in this stack into bNum
  repeat with x = 1 to bNum
    put the  name of part (x) into temp
    if there is a part temp then
      put the visible of part temp into vizz
      put the rect of part temp into TL
    end if

   ## include any property you want
    put the name of part (x)  &" -- " &\
        vizz  &"   " &\
        TL & cr after stuff

  end repeat
  sort stuff -- or not
  put stuff into me
end mouseEnter

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
MailTo:rgmiller at
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491

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