Problems with standalones mac/windows

Marian Petrides mpetrides at
Thu Jan 15 20:32:30 EST 2004

If you are trying to download using Internet Explorer, try instead to 
use a different browser.  I have had trouble downloading OS X apps 
posted by other members of this list when using IE, but was successful 
with Safari--if memory serves me correctly.

On Jan 15, 2004, at 8:19 PM, Andrew wrote:

> Hi, List.  I had a couple of questions which I hope you wouldn't mind 
> answering.  I posted these before, but they didn't show, so sorry if 
> they appear twice for some reason.
> I recently made a game using the trial version of Revolution.  I made 
> standalones for mac, mac os x and windows so I can put them on my site 
> for my friends to download.  There are problems with each version.
> The two mac standalones simply don't download.  It just shows all the 
> code in the browser window.
> The Windows standalone does download, but there is a problem with the 
> gameplay: In my game, when you hit any key, an "ask" box is supposed 
> to appear.  However, for some reason on the Windows standalone of my 
> game, nothing happens when you hit a key.
> Any ideas why I'm having these two problems?
> Thanks so much for all of your help!
> -Andrew
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