Field redistribution line by line

David Squance squance at
Tue Jan 13 19:24:23 EST 2004

>Not sure I follow the original question, but couldn't an array avoid
>the need for "do" or "value".

I had thought that it might, too, but my admittedly cursory
perusal of the docs didn't find adequate help (for me at least)
as far as the use of arrays is concerned.

I wish I'd had the time and money to attend the little conference
those who did are raving about.  I have a lot to learn.  As a
hobbyist with an almost 60 year old memory, the gains are slow.

>Assuming the "assigned variable name" matches the ultimate
>destination field name.
>In each loop, do something like:
>put <whatever text> into myArray[calculatedKeyName]
>Then later:
>put myArray[calculatedKeyname] into field calculatedKeyname
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