Converting Hexadecimal in Binary

Dar Scott dsc at
Sun Jan 11 13:15:12 EST 2004

This has text pictures needing a fixed pitch font.

On Sunday, January 11, 2004, at 02:26 AM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> put binaryDecode("H*", char i to i+2 of asd)after var
> -- produces an error!
> put binaryEncode("H*", char i to i+2 of asd)after var
> -- works perfectly!

It is related to where the binary data is.  In binaryDecode(), it is a 
parameter; you are decoding the binary data.  In binaryEncode() it is 
the value returned by the function; you are encoding or building the 
binary data.

Like this:

put binaryDecode( formatsList, binaryData, datum1, datum2, datum3) into 

{   binaryData   ========>   datum2        }-------> numConverted
                    ^         datum3

local datum1, datum2, datum3
put binaryEncode( formatsList, datum1, datum2, datum3) into binaryData

       datum2  ========> binaryData
       datum3       ^

Now the designers could have made binaryEncode to be more like 
binaryDecode, and that might have made things easier to remember, but I 
like the functional binaryEncode and I build functions for conversions 
around both anyway.

So the problem with your example of binaryDecode is that the parameter 
for the binary data is missing.

Dar Scott

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