Field redistribution line by line

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Tue Jan 13 17:15:10 EST 2004

At 6:03 pm +0100 13/1/04, Klaus Major wrote:

>Any hints form the listers?

Sorry, coming late to this.

Not sure I follow the original question, but couldn't an array avoid 
the need for "do" or "value".

At 3:06 pm -0700 12/1/04, David Squance wrote:
>I'm having trouble with a script which takes individual lines from a field
>and places them in various fields on another card (and stack).  The basic
>structure involves a repeat loop which works through each line of the
>source field, assigning it a variable name, and then is supposed to place
>each of those into separate fields in the destination card.  What's the
>proper syntax for this?  I can't make the
>     do "put tname" & x && "into fld fname" & x
>approach work.

Assuming the "assigned variable name" matches the ultimate 
destination field name.

In each loop, do something like:

put <whatever text> into myArray[calculatedKeyName]

Then later:

put myArray[calculatedKeyname] into field calculatedKeyname


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