htmlText and links

Chris Sheffield revlist at
Wed Jan 7 10:30:29 EST 2004

I have what may be kind of a strange question.

I am using links in html to set up some text for users to click on and have
a definition displayed.  The text consists of a word (or words) with the
textStyle set to link, and the href for that link is set to the text of the
accompanying definition.  Then using the linkClicked message I can retrieve
the definition and display it.  This all works great.

Now for my weird question.  What I'd like to do is apply some automatic
formatting to my definition.  So certain words would be bold and certain
words would be italicized.  Is there any way to include the appropriate tags
within my html link?  For example, in my text file, I might have something
like this:

	<a href="A ball is something that you bounce.">ball</a>

Is it possible to do something like this?

	<a href="A <b>ball</b> is something that you bounce.">ball</a>

I know the above does not work because I've tried it.  I'm wondering if
there is some kind of escape character that will allow me to literally
include the tags in the href, then I could set another field's htmlText to
that.  Is this even clear?  :-)

Any ideas?


Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally

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