Another newbie Mac Question...

Alex Rice alex at
Mon Jan 5 17:54:19 EST 2004

On Jan 5, 2004, at 2:26 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> With OS X Apple no longer requires file type assignments, posing a 
> problem
> for us.  I'm not sure Apple has yet decided what to do about either 
> file
> types or creator codes for the long term, so I'm not familiar with a
> workaround for selecting files that rely only on file name extension 
> on OS
> X.

OS X supports creator codes, filename extensions, and MIME types. Apps 
are free to use any, or all of them. From what I understand this is 
just the way it will be, not that apple is undecided.

See bugzilla #605. It's a Rev bug that it's not implemented correctly- 
this aspect of OS X has been unchanged since 10.0 AFAIK.

> Anyone come across a current Apple tech note on this?

Not sure if it's "current".

Do you think Apple is replacing Launch Services with something else?

>  Last I heard Apple
> required developers to write a custom filterProc for Nav Services 
> (ugh!).

That's something that Rev should implement in the engine, and looks 
like they will do it.

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software | 

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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