LZW compression

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Sat Jan 3 19:23:07 EST 2004

On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 03:56 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Alex Rice wrote:
>> I thought the gzip compress() was Rev's only
>> compression feature?
> Look at this page:
> <http://www-vis.lbl.gov/software_support/ghostview/docs/ 
> Language.htm#Standard_filters>
> "the data compression method variously known
> as 'zlib' (the name of a popular library that
> implements it), 'Deflate' (as in RFC 1951, which
> is a detailed specification for the method),
> 'gzip' (the name of a popular compression application
> that uses it), or 'Flate' (Adobe's name).

I have someplace around here a compressZlib() and decompressZlib()  
function set.  A limitation is that currently decompress requires the  
size.  This is OK in flash files and probably in most PNG files, but  
may run into trouble other places.

I was thinking of including this in a library for rounding out Rev's  
gzip capabilities for getting and setting parameters and to allow an  
application to claim gzip compliance.  Maybe that would be a tiny  
shareware library or something.  It is current sitting on the self,  

(No LZW, though.)

Dar Scott

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