Dual port video card

Thomas J McGrath III 3mcgrath at adelphia.net
Thu Jan 1 13:44:29 EST 2004


Although I don't know the answer off hand, I do have some info and a 
possible solution.

The second monitor is actually showing a section of the Whole screen 
space. So if I open a stack and set it's location to an off-screen 
location, then it is not visible on/in the main screen area. However it 
is or would be available/visible if a second monitor is set to the same 
location as it's position.
I have used software that allows the second monitor to be on the left 
of the main screen or to mirror or on the right or on top etc.
The actual working space is much much larger than what you see in your 
main monitor's window space. I think it is at least six or seven times 
as large. Someone can correct me on that but I think it is somewhere 
around 32000 pixels wide and the largest screen res I have seen is 
around 1500.
How does this help you? well if you look for the screen location of 
that screen then you don't need to know it's name or driver or anything 
and you can just set the loc of the substacks to a loc that is visible 
in that other monitors screen space. Of course the normal way to do 
that would require knowing what the name etc of that monitor is to set 
the stacks loc to it.
But, if the monitor is within your control than you could experiment 
with screen locs until you found the right position and avoid the 
name/driver issue completely.

This doesn't explain how to find the loc of the other monitor but I 
think the default is the screen loc of monitor one divided by two plus 
the screen loc of monitor two divided by two would give you the 
distance from the first stacks loc. Also, I think the default position 
is on the right side of the main monitor unless the user changes it.

Hope this helps a little


On Jan 1, 2004, at 1:22 PM, Ops wrote:

> The app I'm working on for my client will run on a windows machine 
> that has
> a video card with 2 monitor ports.  The setup for this card shows 2
> "resources" that correspond to the 2 monitor ports (\\\display\u1 and
> \\\display\u2).  Offhand I don't know the vendor of the video card, 
> but I
> would assume that most dual video cards have a similar setup with 
> similar
> resource names.
> I have one stack that acts as an "app-controller" (I want that stack to
> display on the \\\display\u1 monitor) and 2 other stacks that act as
> "display-stacks" (I want the 2 "display-stacks" to appear on the
> \\\display\u2 monitor)
> Does anyone know how I can "tell" rev to display one stack on one 
> monitor
> (\\\display\u1) and other stacks on the other monitor 
> (\\\display\u2)???
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Thomas J McGrath III	• 2003 •	3mcgrath at adelphia.net
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

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