Dual port video card

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Jan 1 13:39:24 EST 2004

Hi Ops,

> The app I'm working on for my client will run on a windows machine 
> that has
> a video card with 2 monitor ports.  The setup for this card shows 2
> "resources" that correspond to the 2 monitor ports (\\\display\u1 and
> \\\display\u2).  Offhand I don't know the vendor of the video card, 
> but I
> would assume that most dual video cards have a similar setup with 
> similar
> resource names.
> I have one stack that acts as an "app-controller" (I want that stack to
> display on the \\\display\u1 monitor) and 2 other stacks that act as
> "display-stacks" (I want the 2 "display-stacks" to appear on the
> \\\display\u2 monitor)
> Does anyone know how I can "tell" rev to display one stack on one 
> monitor
> (\\\display\u1) and other stacks on the other monitor 
> (\\\display\u2)???

RR is not aware of more than 1 monitor...
The screenrect will only return the first monitor.

But it looks like you are creating a "custom" application that will run
DEFINITIVELY on 2 monitors, right?

In that case you can simply set the loc of your stacks to where the 2 
are supposed to be...

I had been working with 2 monitors on win in the past and it worked 
just fine.
1280*1024 and 1024*768 aligned at top...

So i could set a stack to the 2nd monitor with

set the topleft of stack "monitor 2" to 1281,30

Hope that helps...

Regards and a happy new year :-)

Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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