Array Basics

Dar Scott dsc at
Wed Feb 25 16:28:44 EST 2004

On Wednesday, February 25, 2004, at 08:48 AM, Bojsza wrote:

> on mouseUp
>   put empty into xArray
>   put empty into zArray
>   put "1 2 3" into xArray
>   split xArray by space -- create an array from a list (3x1 array)
>   put "2 3 4" into zArray -- create a 1x3 array
> matrixMultiply(xArray,zArray)
> put it into arrayOut
> end mouseUp

on mouseUp
   put "1,1:1;1,2:2;1,3:3" into x
   split x using ";" and ":"
   put "1,1:2;2,1:3;3,1:4" into y
   split y using ";" and ":"
   put matrixMultiply(x,y) into z
   combine z using ";" and ":"
   put z
end mouseUp


In hindsight, I think this might be more readable using space instead 
of ";".

> 2. I know that I can go from a list to an array with the split 
> command. Can I go from an array to a list also using the split > command?

Use combine as Jeanne explained and used above.

> 3. Can I create an array with a variable ie a 3x1 array with angle as 
> a variable?
> atan(angle)
> cos(angle)
> sin(angle)

Yes and no.

You can make an array builder function that instantiates such an array 
for the angle provided at build.  Like this (off the top of my head):

function angleArray alpha
   put atan(alpha) into a[1,1]
   put cos(alpha)  into a[1,2]
   put sin(alpha)  into a[1,3]
   return a
end alpha

However, you might want to look at value().  You can evaluate a string 
and strings can be array elements.  Thus, you can have an array of 
expressions.  You can be as creative in expression processing as you 

Dar Scott

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