Tagging certain objects with contact, copyright, etc

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sat Feb 7 14:46:14 EST 2004

Rob Cozens wrote:

>> I was thinking of tagging with read-only properties.
>> The information might be these:
>> Copyright
>> Contact Info
>> Long Unique Name
> What is your primary purpose, Dar?
> At first blush, at least Copyright & Contact seem candidates for
> display in an About menuItem rather than being hidden in a stack
> property. 

I store version info in a property and grab it on the fly for display in the
About box, which provides a convenient place to grab such info from any tool
(such as an updater tool).

I shudder at the thought, but is it worthwhile to arrive at a set of
conventions for naming common metadata properties?  It would likely be a
long and tedious discussion, but we might have greater interoperability of
components if we did.

I'm think of things like version, copyright, publication date, and for
libraries a list of exposed commands and functions, possibly with
descriptions like AppleScript.  As Rev grows there will be greater
opportunities for commercial libraries, so having a common way for other
components to know what's there would allow a script to be locked yet still
be useful (a true black box).

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Ambassador at FourthWorld.com       http://www.FourthWorld.com

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