moving content of variable

doug rogers dougrogers1 at
Fri Dec 17 14:32:44 EST 2004

On 17-Dec-04, at 2:18 PM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

> As it happens I've been able to get away so far with taking an 
> applescript
> that has a placeholder, and replacing the placeholder directly with
> literals.  But obviously that only works for short values that don't 
> have
> any inconvenient characters such as returns or quotes.

This sounds like what I want to do. I have a card field which holds a 
series of text strings separated by returns. I want to grab this and 
put it into my Applescript variable, and the script will turn it into a 
comma delimited string, and follow through to iCal.

Yes. How do I pick up that string of literals. Applescript can't

set theItems to card Field "TheItems"

cause it doesn't know what it is. I need to set the variable from Rev's 
side (?)

  There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

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