Start Using

Gordon gwalias-rev at
Sun Dec 12 12:10:35 EST 2004

Dear Rob

Could you elaborate on the "gotcha" thing. I changed
my function from 

   "function setGlobal <params>"


   "on setGlobal <params>"

and now I don't get the error message, but instead of
setting the cutom property "myVar" of the button to
23.6, it creates a cutom property called "myVar,23.6"!

What's the difference between a command and a
function- I even tried setting "setGlobal" back to a
function and returning something, but then I got the
old "handler not found" error again. I am confused
about commands and functions - why are my functions
not seen and which should I use and when?

Here are the "setGlobal" and getGlobal functions

on setGlobal tname, tvalue
  set the tname of button "Button" of stack
"EZGlobals" to tvalue
end setGlobal

function getGlobal tname
  return the tname of button "Button" of stack
end getGlobal

I don't mind having to pay for the rev manual, but
couldn't they send it electronically to help users
while they're waiting the 3-4 weeks it takes for the
paper versions to arrive by snail mail. It's really
hard trying to figure all this out from the
documention window that comes with rev. It doesn't
give any kind of overview of the Transcript language
that one would need to understand enough to really get
going. I am praying for my manuals to arrive a.s.a.p.



--- Rob Cozens <rcozens at> wrote:

> >Do I first "go" to the library stack file or can I
> >just "start using" the stack file directly.
> Morning Gordon,
> There is no need to go to a stack before one starts
> using it.
> In fact, going to the library may trigger
> open/preOpen handlers that 
> do things that are unnecessary or interfere with its
> role as a 
> library.  (If a Library needs to initialize when put
> in use, do it in 
> a libraryStack handler.)
> Have the stack that can't find the handlers list the
> stacksInUse for 
> you just before making the call.  If your library
> stack is on the 
> list and the handler called is in the library stack
> script, it should 
> be found.
> One possible gottcha: if you have a function, foo,
> in the library 
> stack and call it as a command in the button script,
> you will get a 
> "handler not found" error.  Likewise if you have a
> command, foo, and 
> call it as a function.
> -- 
> Rob Cozens
> CCW, Serendipity Software Company
> "And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
> Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
> from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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