Delete card loop crashes Rev

Sivakatirswami katir at
Sat Dec 11 23:17:56 EST 2004

I have a stack that I use to download entire sites, Card one is set to 
cantDelete... I download the Table of contents page to that card, then 
run a script that parse the page and downloads every page on that has 
an href in the Table of Contents page... then dump to my hard drive.. 
and viola... locally accessible tutorials..  When I go to download a 
different site... I intend to delete the previous one with this script:

on mouseup
   Answer "You are about to delete all data except card 1! This is 
unrecoverable!" with "Cancel" or "Proceed"
   if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseup
   lock screen
   put the number of cards of this stack into tLoops
   go to card tLoops
   repeat (tLoops-1) times
    delete this card
   end repeat
end mouseup

which consistently causes Rev to crash on Mac OSX

Any clues? looks like a bug to me as I've used this script before 
successfully for years in Supercard, Metacard and in earlier renditions 
of Rev.


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