Arrays in Rev

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Dec 11 01:50:24 EST 2004

On 12/10/04 7:28 PM, "Troy Rollins" <troy at> wrote:

> On Dec 10, 2004, at 8:00 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:
>> The point I'm making is that it's a container that can store
>> information at numerical points [101][2][23] or 101,2,23 or any
>> delimiter that you select. I get what I needed in Lingo working fine
>> for me in transcript. I'm just thankful that it works fast enough to
>> be worth it.
> But... Lingo's are REAL.
> AFAICT... you are using strings... which *look* like multidimensional
> arrays, yet they would not *work* like multi-dimensional arrays. It
> looks to me more like you have a mechanism which allows *naming* and
> storing of variables in the same context as a multi-dimensional array.
> It looks like your version is basically a way to avoid coming up with
> unique names for a lot of variables... which is cool, and all, but
> that's all it is.

For more information, we had a long thread about arrays in Rev back in July
(I put out a small "dissertation" on arrays at that time:

In any event, we really do need better array manipulation for
multidimensional arrays (or simulated ones). Personally, I'd rather have the
real thing if we can get it; if not, I'd accept simulated ones as long as we
have accessor functions to get at the embeded data more easily.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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