Arrays in Rev

Troy Rollins troy at
Fri Dec 10 15:51:21 EST 2004

On Dec 10, 2004, at 3:39 PM, Gordon wrote:

> IMHO, the single greatest feature in the Python
> language is the nestable keyed libraries that can be
> freely mixed with lists. How beautiful, simple,
> elegant and still readable ten years later it is, when
> you can use something like:

Curiously, Python and Lingo are almost identical languages when Lingo 
is used in dot-syntax format. The python example supplied is very 
nearly valid Lingo.

When Lingo is used in verbose format, it is almost identical to 

dot-syntax was an evolution of the language which did not exist in 
original Lingo. Though I've no doubt it was an expensive evolution in 
terms of development costs.

Incidentally, I've decided to add Python to my list of languages 
recently, specifically because it looks like the migration from Lingo 
should be a snap.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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