Mac to Windows -- maybe text encoding

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at
Thu Aug 26 02:51:34 EDT 2004

At 11:08 PM -0600 8/25/2004, Steve and Lee Ann Setzer wrote:
>(E) I do all my work on a Mac running OS X, but I have access to RunRev for
>Windows and a decent Windows 2000 PC.
>(F) The games involve buttons that have IPA characters in their names
>  (Inspector-->Text Formatting-->Font-->IPAPhon Roman)
>(G) When I move the stack to Windows, many of the button names show the
>wrong character, either a rectangle or just a different letter/glyph.

Try the macToISO function:

   set the name of button 1 to macToISO(the name of button 1)

This function (and the companion function ISOToMac) converts between 
the Mac and Windows character sets. (Field text is converted 
automatically when you move between platforms, but object names 
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at

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